- Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Models with Tunable Dissipation:
- Press release
Author Archives: gpagano
Our paper on Grover-QAOA applied to SAT problem is published on QST!

- Grover-QAOA for 3-SAT: quadratic speedup, fair-sampling, and parameter clustering,
Zewen Zhang, Roger Paredes, Bhuvanesh Sundar, David Quiroga, Anastasios Kyrillidis, Leonardo Duenas-Osorio, Guido Pagano and Kaden R A Hazzard, Quantum Sci. Technol.,10 015022 (2024)
Our paper on simulating electron transfer with trapped ions is on the arXiv!

- Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Models with Tunable Dissipation:
Congrats Abhishek and April!
Abhishek won the Chuoke Award and April got the distinction award Distinction for Undergraduate Research! Congrats to both!
Welcome Caesar, Brian, Lucius and Kabir!
Pagano Lab welcomes a new group of undergraduates that will join the group this summer.
- Caesar (Rice University) will work on a new rectifier scheme used to stabilize the rf voltage that determines trap frequency in the trapped-ion system.
- Brian (San Jacinto College) will design and build a Faraday cage to limit the effect of environmental noise on the trap frequency.
- Lucius (USTC) will design a new filter box and work on a transfer cavity setup for locking our lasers.
- Kabir (Rice University) will work on ArtiQ to make our Rice university branch more user friendly and more integrated with NDscan.
Looking forward for a productive summer!
Congratulations Mingjian!
Pagano Lab congratulates Mingjian Zhu for graduating with the thesis entitled:
“Excitation Energy Transfer and Delocalization in Trapped-ion Quantum Simulator: A Numerical Study”.
Mingjian will start his PhD with Professor Han Pu at Rice University next Fall. Congratulations!
Welcome Mingjian, Prathik, John and Mac!
Four undergrads will join the team this summer! John will work on the ArtiQ control system, Prathik will build a small muon detector, Mac will develop a PID out of a Red Pitaya and Mingjian will help us understand how to simulate electron transfer in trapped-ion systems. It’s going to be a fun summer!
DOE Early Career Award
Guido is awarded the Department of Energy Early Career Award. This program will be focused on new analog and hybrid analog-digital quantum simulation protocols that can
directly realize quantum field theories in trapped-ion systems. Thanks DOE!
Rice News press release
ONR Young Investigator Award
Guido is awarded the Office of Naval Research YIP for the study of Open Quantum System with trapped ions. This program will focus on how the competition between engineered dissipation on phonon degrees of freedom and unitary spin dynamics open new exciting paths. Thanks ONR!
Dissipative Floquet Dynamics
Our paper on Dissipative Floquet dynamics has been just published in Quantum!